Finanz - Eine Übersicht

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Uhtred explains that Guthlac belongs to the Danes and when they get word that he’s trapped, the Danes will come for them, meaning less men at their camp. Uhtred heads upstairs and smashes a hole hinein the roof. He then takes several torches and sets the village on fire. While the men are distracted and scrambling to save the village, Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth exit. Guthlac asks for mercy, but Uhtred kills him and leaves. ("Episode 3.7")

Hinsichtlich groß sind die Unterschiede zusammen mit "unten" zumal "oben", sind sie gewachsen oder guthaben sie sich verringert?

He instructs young Uhtred to follow the monks to Bebbanburg. However, he is no warrior and questions why his father has such faith hinein him. Uhtred explains that he has the spirit of their family within him. It’ll give him a strength that he does not know yet. He instructs young Uhtred to take a horse and ride the road north, close to the shore, where he’ll find the monks and join them. Uhtred, Beocca, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric suddenly find themselves being confronted by the villagers, who are less than welcoming. ("Folge 4.2")

She is ,however, allowed to collect grass and herbs by a single tree on the other side of the camp. Uhtred orders Sihtric to tell Skade he is near and to take her by the tree. Sihtric breaks Skade free of her chains and takes her to meet Uhtred at the tree with Finan and Osfeth. The five of them retreat as Hæsten gets word of their arrival. Sihtric leads them to the Werft, where they kill the guards before jumping into the ship and sailing away. ("Episode 3.7")

Uhtred and Finan are back rein the ship with the other slaves and forced to row. Sverri only keeps him alive because he wants to know who Uhtred is and if he’s worth anything. Halig has been bound to the Vorderseite of the ship, where he screams until his last breath, as he drowns. ("Folge 2.3")

As the guards inch towards them, Eadith reveals that her brother killed Lord Æthelred and she’s willing to swear it on the book. She adds that Eardwulf is also responsible for the delay of their return to Mercia. Eadith has proof off his crime. She tells the guards to look inside the pouch that her brother wears around his neck. In it is Æthelred’s ring. And so, Eardwulf’s guards turn on him. Eadith advises Eardwulf to save himself and flee to Frankia. He heeds Eadith’s warning and leaves. Uhtred then picks up Æthelred’s ring off the ground. ("Folge 4.6")

Mercia; They sleep as Uhtred watches over them. Day breaks and the group awakens. Ælfwynn goes following behind a crow, chasing it through the woods on her own.

Edward’s strategy is foolish, and he inevitably falls back as his men are killed. Edward warns them that soon they will Beryllium surrounded and massacred if they don’t surrender. Uhtred hides himself with a shield and approaches Edward while remaining concealed. He tells Edward to fall back, but Edward sends his men to attack. ("Episode 4.9")

Finan arrives outside of Beocca’s house to Tümpel the flames soaring, so he sends Osferth to find Beocca. Sihtric has begun helping douse the flames with buckets of water. Finan asks if Thyra welches inside as she left the palace, but he is uncertain.

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Uhtred returns to camp. He tells young Uhtred to quit his praying, but he persists rein honor of Beocca. Uhtred calls his son’s God unto question; asking where welches his mercy when Beocca needed it. Young Uhtred explains that it’s not his God that Uhtred hates, but the fact that young Uhtred is not his father. Finan checks on young Uhtred, Weltgesundheitsorganisation suspects that his father doesn’t want him. Finan explains that Uhtred is a warrior and it welches his job to save young Uhtred, and he could not, and that’s what eats at him.

Cnut informs Uhtred and Finan that he has an army of 200 men though he’s not sure where they are headed next. Though, if Wessex is undefended, Cnut is considering heading south. Uhtred is not fond of the name Dane-Slayer and tells Cnut to stop referring to him as such.

Finan, Uhtred, and Osferth remain hidden hinein the nearby woods as the Danes arrive at the village. Sihtric finds them hidden among the trees and gives Uhtred a hug. As it turns out, they staged the entire fight hinein order for Sihtric to infiltrate the Danes. Sihtric informs them that Bloodhair is dead and only Hæsten remains at the camp. Bloodhair was killed by Skade, Weltgesundheitsorganisation knows of Uhtred’s promise to shadow walk, but there are too many guards.

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